Entry #2 Lithium

Hi Readers, 

I'm going to get a little personal for a moment here. Last year, I was diagnosed with Bipolar II. I was terrified at first because I could only think, "Oh God, I'm crazy like Kanye." I couldn't hear anything my psychiatrist said after she confirmed my diagnosis. When I got home, I did a deep dive on Google. After many hours of reading, I found myself feeling silly, but at ease. I misjudged Kanye West and Bipolar Disorder. I thought people who had the diagnosis were mentally unstable and had no hope of ever being mentally stable. I hope this blog will help you change your perspective like it did mine, with that being said, let's take a closer look at what bipolar disorder is.

According to Mayo Clinic, "Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression)." There are four types of bipolar disorder. The image to the left describes each type. The image to the right provides a breakdown of some symptoms.  

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According to NAMI and Mind Journal, stress, biological, genetic, environmental, and substance abuse are the key factors of bipolar disorder. In my case, it was genetics and stress induced. Unfortunately, bipolar doesn't go away, but it can be managed. Some examples are therapy, medication management (mood stabilizers like Lithium, Lamictal, and Divalproex), psychoeducation, and a healthy lifestyle. 

Bipolar Disorder can affect anyone. Celebrities like Selena Gomez, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Frank Sinatra, Jimi Hendrix, Mariah Carey, and David Harbour are prime examples. These celebrities demonstrate what managed bipolar looks like. People like Kanye West, Demi Lovato, and Kurt Cobain show us what bipolar can look like unmanaged. Kanye is known for his outbursts, controversial actions, and comments. Demi Lovato was in the spotlight for her mental breakdowns. Kurt Cobain battled his illness and eventually took his own life. It's scary to think that could be me or anyone else like me. 

Learning to live with bipolar disorder can be challenging, but knowing your triggers and finding what works for you can help keep the symptoms under control. Look at this video for more knowledge.


  1. It's really interesting to know there are different types of bipolar. I never knew that those celebrities had bipolar disorder; that's sort of crazy to hear. My father has it too and he's explained to me that it is similar to what you have said. You can do this, and don't give up no matter what.

  2. HI Ari, this an important issue and needs more attention to help those who are unsure or undiagnosed. You are very brave to write about this an help bring more awareness to light. Good luck and thank you for your courage!

    1. Also your page is very warm and inviting.

  3. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but glad to hear you're managing alright. I've also freaked out over some medical issues and gone to home to furiously google as much as I can. Good luck out there.

  4. Hey, Ariana -- Thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing information about your journey with Bipolar II. Many of my family members have been diagnosed Bipolar, and I commend you for taking the steps to find the support to manage the harder days. I wish people were more open to sharing their struggles and knew that proper mental healthcare is nothing to be ashamed of!

  5. It takes courage to share your personal issues and how you've overcame them. It truly inspires me to be more open with the people, because at the end of the day not everyone is evil, and there is still hope for positivity to be spread!

  6. Ari--Your blog is looking really great so far. Engaging layout and format. Clear voice and authentic tone. Personable and thoughtful. Interesting topics and content. Keep developing and analyzing and connecting to your audience. Great work! Keep it up!


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